Great Saturday With An Afternoon Walk - IAAC #325 - Actifit: February 27, 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Made in Desygner, photo by Erik Gustafsson

On Saturday it was warm weather, and also dry which is great, and it certainly looks like spring is around, just waiting for the first flowers to come out, maybe the snowdrops already have been, I might have missed them, but it's warm and the birds are signing.

I also walked quite a bit as usual, and I took some pictures on an afternoon walk together with recording my video.

Other than that I was very busy finishing up the draft post for the ALIVE token, which will be published just a bit after this post.

I Am Alive - Day 325

It is now my day 325 for the #IAmAliveChallenge, and you can read how it started and how to join in this guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide.


I am alive, and I hope you are too, so if you are not a zombie then come and join us.

Here are some pictures from the afternoon.


So first I walked to this small park, and here I recorded my daily video.


Then I walked up to the top to take some more pictures, it's quite high and you are able to see a bit over the rooftops around, and I took some pictures on the way down the other side.


I also managed to get a #Win, which is 10k steps before 10 PM, an awesome project from @adventureready.

That's it for today.

Thanks for reading, and stay awesome.


Erik Gustafsson

Photos above by Erik Gustafsson

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Made in Canva

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Made in Desygner

Made in Canva

Made in Desygner

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Photowalking, Walking
177 cm
Body Fat




You did it! You have achieved an #Win! That's 10,000 steps before 10pm! That's what we finishing your day the right way!

Being intentional with your health and fitness really pays off doesn't it?! Here at @AdventureReady we believe that the more intentional people are with their health (and each other) the better so don't forget to tell your friends all about how you got your #Win today!

Qualifying for the #Win achievement gets you:

1 WIN Token

💨10,000👟 + 10am⏱ = #AutomaticWin!💥🏅💥

💨10,000👟 + 10pm⏱ = #Win!💥🏅💥

Want to celebrate your steps with us?

Click over to this weeks #HighFive Post and leave a comment for a chance to win 5 Hive and hang out with the rest of the @AdventureReady crew!

© 2021 Adventure Ready

And another #win, thanks.


Command accepted!

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

hello dear friend @flaxz good day
how time has passed, we are close to the change of season, spring is beautiful, it is my favorite season of the year
I wish you a great week

Thanks @jlufer, yes when things start to grow it is very beautiful, young nature being reborn from it's winter sleep, I wish you an awesome new week.


Command accepted!

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

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