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RE: My Actifit Report Card: May 2 2023 - RIP Gordon Lightfoot and All 29 People on the Edmund Fitzgerald

in Actifitlast year

I know a song that goes like this, "Heaven holds all the secrets that we will never know until we are there". So, I am thinking when we get there, the Almighty will tell us why he did not save the ship even though he had the power to do so.

May the soul of your favorite artist rest in peace


Sounds like a beautiful song and I love your comment! Thanks for stopping by my blog and interacting. Have a great day! :)

Thank you.

I am glad I finally found the time to come around. I have been meaning to since the week, I pressed the follow button on your profile.

It's better late than never...right? 😃

Have a great day too :)

Thanks, and yes better late than never! I'm late in doing things I would like to do here too. There is only so much free time available in a day :)

I'm glad you did come by and I hope you are able to come by again soon! I'm so happy to hear the thoughts and ideas of others; I learn a lot from reading posts and comments on this great Hive platform!

Wow. I am delighted to hear that. For this reason, I'll try to come back as often as I can. Thank you