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RE: My Actifit Report Card: April 25 2023

in Actifitlast year

Sorry your arm is still giving you trouble. Wondering if you are taking any kind of anti-inflammatory meds. I'm not a doctor ! ... but one told me one time that if I had something persistent that was somewhat out of the norm, that I could take something like advil as if it were a prescription from 5 to 10 days. It is supposed to help with healing, but I do realize, it doesn't work for everything. Of course that doesn't count if you are allergic to such things or it interferes with meds one already takes or any other conditions you may have.

I love little yellow finches. I saw them eating the dandelion seeds for the first and only time about 8 or 9 years ago. I had let a patch of grass grow up in my backyard for a while one spring so I could enjoy the wildflowers. As I was doing my dishes one day and daydreaming out my back window, I saw some yellow finches in the tall grass and they were getting beside the tall stem of the dandelion and then putting a foot at the base of it and then side stepping across the stem causing it to bend over, where they could eat the seeds off the top of it when they got up to the "wish" ball of seeds. I had never seen that before and I was so mesmerized watching them do that over and over. I wondered how I had gotten into my 50s before ever seeing it happen. It was fun to see.


Thank you. I don't think my arm is inflamed at this point. My guess is there is some issue with the tendons or a rotator cuff tear. It is a bit frozen and hurts a bit to move through the full range of motion. Sometimes there is a sudden pain that flares up if it is pulled at the wrong point but it goes away soon. It is improving gradually. I am eating my food spiced with turmeric and taking some fish oil and supplements for joint health. I hope to be playing again soon, things are improving.

I love spotting these yellow finches around the house too. There are a variety of birds that come by on occasion. There are many different plants, bushes, and trees growing in my yard and I think they enjoy that and of course the feeder in the backyard.