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RE: My Actifit Report Card: November 18 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

We have had violently destructive riots, murder is a daily occurrence, leadership is sadly lacking with a handful on the get rich scheme not worried about the fall out.


It is bad. Even smaller problems than yours cause revolutions and civil wars

People are forever at war with themselves, society has not learned to work and respect each other equally.

We practically don't know this anymore in Europe.
Yes, there are also "disaffected", but they have never experienced what it is to fear for their bare lives.

Those who have never experienced war or strife where one waits and watches have been fortunate.

Yes. Many of us can be thankful that we live without fear.

We constantly locking doors in the home, always keep a watchful eye when outdoors, not really a healthy way to live.

That's crazy. How long can such stress be tolerated? Soon you'll be scared of your own shadow :-(