Scientific review, eating is not the same as nutrition. - My Actifit Report Card: April 27 2024

in Actifit13 days ago

Scientific review, eating is not the same as nutrition.

You want to lose body weight but you have stagnated in your goal, the first thing to be clear about is that physical exercise is a component that helps us a lot to get rid of those extra kilos, but the truth is that even if you spend hours and hours in the gym, or running in a park, nothing is going to work if you have an unhealthy diet.

Even if you are careful with what you eat, there are some common mistakes when it comes to indicating which foods are good and which are not. The ones I'm going to tell you in addition to the need to avoid the most common saboteurs such as soft drinks and junk food.

You have to know that it is very possible that your body is reacting to foods that are usually passed off as healthy and that produce chronic inflammation in your body, preventing you from progressing in your goals.

Sugary foods, the food industry usually sets many traps for us in this, surely it is obvious to many, but it never hurts to remember that when you try to lose body weight you have to reduce the amount of sweets, desserts and sugary drinks. But in addition to avoiding these real and obvious sugar bombs, you also have to pay attention to hidden sugar in other foods.

For example, breakfast cereals, bread (especially this one that comes packaged and cut), granola bars, juices (which are also often sold as healthy foods and the reality is that they have little or nothing of them). healthy foods), sports and energy drinks, yogurts, coffee-based foods (those that we buy in more traditional chains), dressings and sauces, and many other foods.

Specifically, foods that are loaded with sugar not only slow down your weight loss, but they will also lead you to have cravings, and at the same time they will rob you of energy and concentration, and they will damage your immune system, increasing the risk of contracting diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

And one of the keys to avoiding consuming this type of food with a lot of sugar, sometimes hidden, is to get used to reading food labels, and knowing the pseudonyms of sugar, such as fructose, glucose, syrup or rice syrup. , corn syrup, or maltodextrin, among other names that sugar also has in foods; so pay attention to what you eat.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!

_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Cycling, Home Improvement, Running, Walking
176 cm
69 kg
Body Fat


You're right,cereals are the worst food choice when it comes to healthy eating. Most are overly processed to spike blood sugar which makes people get hungry easily and increase cravings.

And all those food that are marketed as low fat most have added sugar to give taste. The best choice is food that have no other ingredients added to them meaning they are in their natural form.

Great insight and good job in getting your 10091 steps!

That's right, homemade at its best.

Very true my friend eating is not nutrition! We need to be careful what we consume to stay healthy!
Congratulations on your 10K @actifit steps today!!😄

Thanks, a question, from which platform do you comment?

I use to encourage people to stay healthy and stay fit my friend!😊
