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RE: Some cycling on my own 36km: June 7 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

I agree with @mintrawa. More posts in French is the way to go to build the French-speaking community. I don't see how writing content suitable for non-#fr people could help in attracting more #fr people in the community. Non-Hive French-speaking people would just feel annoyed, won't read and won't join us.

To summarise, what you wrote does not make any sense to me. Please enlighten me (feel free to do so in English if you prefer).

This being said, this is true you may get less support by writing in French. However, what is the problem as the goal is to build a community? Moreover, if you are not interested in posts written in a specific language, it is sufficient not to browse tags where such posts are available. I don't see the issue here.


I get your point and accept my appologies for not considering using a tag to "build a communtity". I saw "building a community" more like literally start a community in Hive and post (why not, only in French) in it. For me it is a difference to go and post something in a specific community which has nothing to do with it (which I obviously would try to avoid) and just use a tag... But ok... I understood for you guys there's no difference and for me this is case closed. No worries...
Thank you for taking the time to explain the goal of the FR tag and giving me the chance to explain my point of view. I'll give you and the whole French community on Hive a big !LUV for it and whish you all the best with building your community the way YOU like!

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