My Actifit Report Card: November 24 2023

in Actifit8 months ago

I played the last tournament of the year for me. I'm looking forward to a bit of downtime at this point. It was a fun tournament with a bit of ups and downs.

On the plus side, I made a lot of longer circle one and two putts that I normally would have missed. I also cashed some scrip.

On the downside, I had a few bad throws. One of them resulted in a lost disc. I'm not sure this one is coming back to me because my name is hard to read on the disc. The plastic is a dark blue, and the black marker does not show up well on it. I'm not sure if I will get another of these type of discs they are almost uncontrollably understable for me, and if you hit a tree with the disc, it skips a long way. I've not had good luck with the Mantra disc, but I don't think it is entirely the fault of the disc.

It was really cold, and the ground was very frozen today. I think that made it a bit harder to play, too.

Surprisingly, I did not do as well in the main round but made up my score on the pitch and putt round. Usually, I have more trouble with the shorter throws, but I was doing well today. That's really encouraging for me.

Abstract photography:

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S22 Ultra. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher &
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Golf


Congratulations on this tournament, I was waiting to hear the report 🥰🥰🥰. Don't worry about the lost disc, I and my boys scout friends will go in search of it. Please take time to relax yourself before I know that it was a stressful day 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽....

Your abstract photography looks wonderful.

A pretty good display of abstract photography.Enjoy participating in today's activities.

Hoping we have a bit of warm weather left in the year my friend!😄
Enjoy your downtime, relax... hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!😄

I am glad you have completed the final tournament of the year and you had great fun. I hope you use this time to rest well and take part in other activities.
Sorry about the lost disc. Hopefully you will get it back.

Ups and downs are the parts of life they downs make us more strong than ups. Keep playing one day you will be the most successful golf man in the world. I know how hard to play upon frozen land keep shining @lightsplasher


Glad to hear you found encouragement in your performance during the pitch and putt round. As for abstract photography, it is an interesting form of expression that captures the essence of the subject in an unusual way. So cool!👌

Many many congratulations for the tournament today, it was really nice to hear your words and I can take a lot from your words as a learner.

For better or worse, you can definitely move forward if you start walking again from where you stumbled and fell.

Thank you very much for sharing your valuable words with us.

It seemed like such a great day for your last tournament although as you said there were ups and downs in your tournament this time, many unexpected events happened at your tournament today, but unfortunately you lost your disc although it looks hard to find I hope it will come back

as always your abstract photography is absolutely beautiful

Dude @lightsplasher it was very positive that you made, a lot of longer putts from circle one and two that you normally would have missed, equally it is positive that you cashed in some vouchers, in any case that is called progress, don't be discouraged, you will soon find the good disc throws. That abstract looks very colorful and fantastic. Thanks in advance, for your visits to my publications. Best wishes.

Things like this happen sometimes, don't over worry yourself about the lost disc you have a long day already. You might be lucky to see the disc again who can tell, miracle do happen.

@lightsplasher it was very positive that you made, a lot of longer putts from circle one and two that you normally would have missed, equally it is positive that you cashed in some vouchers, in any case that is called progress, don't be discouraged, you will soon find the good disc throws. That abstract looks very colorful and fantastic. Thanks in advance, for your visits to my publications. Best wishes.