My Actifit Report Card: August 22 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

Hello everybody, hope you're having a great weekend

Summer was back full force today in Michigan, plenty of sunshine and temperature in the 90s. A bit too hot for Genepi and me, but we decided to try a new trail. Just behind the house of one of my friends, there's this nice, easy and flat trail with lots of shade, which was definitely a must for today. It kind of follows a small stream, with very nice views.

When we finished our hike, the sun was almost setting.

Even with the shade, we had to stop often for water breaks

As usual, I could not keep Genepi from jumping in the water to cool down.

We finished the day with a barbecue and with all that activity (just a few steps shy of 27k actifit steps), we deserved one last drink.

This beverage comes from my home region near the Alps, it's what we call a 'digestif' because it's supposed to help you digest after a good meal, but most importantly it's very good! In moderation of course as it's typically between 35 and 45% alcohol. If you look closely, you'll notice where I got the name for my dog.

That's it for this great day, thanks for stopping by. Keep stepping and stay safe.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Hiking, Walking


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