My Actifit Report Card: December 5 2023

in Actifit8 months ago

I dragged myself out of bed early yesterday because my super busy brother offered to take me around hardware stores to see and choose some materials like tiles, sinks, shower, etc, etc. Yeah, I guess I can call that window shopping, too 😅 So I did my stretches quickly, freshen up and got change ready for the day out with my brother.

We explored four hardware stores, three of which are huge and one medium. I couldn't believe we spent the whole day touring these places. The selections and the prices were overwhelming. I still have to make my final decision.

It was quite a treat for me. I had my brother by myself, quite relax. And in between these exploration, he treated me with good food he didn't want my treat 😏 . So what can I say but just say, thank you 🙏🥰. Good to have siblings. ☺

So well, that was a lot of walking around as hardware stores are like big fields only indoors and cooler temperature 😊 But I tell you what, the parking spaces are all outdoors thus we felt the gruelling heat outside many many times.

When we got back, I was rushing at my desk. Work time! I'm glad I had prepared the lessons ahead, way ahead so I just had to give them a quick scan. And ready to face individuals online.

Thank you for the visit and support as always. Have a good day/evening. 🌹🌹🌹

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Stair Climbing, Stretching, Walking, Yoga


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