My Actifit Report Card: December 7 2023

in Actifit8 months ago

Yesterday, Thursday was slightly chill day compared to my Wednesday when I had more than three tasks to do, all done at the end of the day. While yesterday, I haven't made a list but I have some on my mental to-do list. With the help of melatonin which helped me have a bit of quality sleep, I was brave not to write them down but all's done anyway. At least, that's what I think 😄.

It was a day of decision making still for my dinky box home to-be, finished some tasks online, prepared lessons, finished a few house chores, walked with Max, worked, etc, etc.

Photo just above is my father's (who passed away 12 years ago, seems like just yesterday) ornamental mini palm tree's flower. Still thriving but I do not want to be the one to decide whether we get rid of it or keep it as we are trying to make our level upper than the road to avoid flooding when rainy season comes. This year's rainy season traumatised me deeply and it's just my second year here after being away for awhile, not a very nice welcome at all. Personally, I like to keep it. If it lives even halfway burried, it will be nice.

Thank you very much for the visit and support. 😊🌹🌹🌹 Good day, everyone!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Stretching, Walking, Yoga
