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RE: Postcards from Thailand #36: Highway to Hell

in Actifit11 months ago (edited)

Swear words are good, they express emotion strongly when needed. I swear a lot. No apologies needed.

The little girl visits with her mum because my wife is a licensed pediatric OT and we have a licensed practise.

Where to start...

Why refer back to DSM 1 and 2? DSM published v5 since 2018, its a standardised reference and not a bible that must be followed verbatim. Its not the only work of reference out there! As in all areas of science and understanding, practises and techniques improve with experience and knowledge. It's not 1952, its 2023. Things have moved on.

As for 'abuse'. Denying the existence of ADHD, and thus not treating it as a medical condition is abusive in the same way that refusing to allow your child treatment for any medical condition is abuse. Are you saying that all children's mental health issues are imaginary or created by specific trauma? What about more traditional physical health issues? Are they only created by environmental reasons too?

Disagreements in life need to be had. They create debate and knowledge. So yes, let's disagree :-)

Mental health issues do not only manifest themselves because of specific, traumatic events. They can be due simply to predisposition, 'faulty dna' as can any other medical condition.

The sad thing is that mental health has taken a back seat in the history of medical research but that is now improving and knowledge, understanding and techniques for helping are slowly improving.

The problem with human nature is that people often base their knowledge solely on their own personal circumstances and experiences which is understandable but still short sighted.

This particular little girl is now happier at school (her words) because she is learning and making friends and loves coming each week to talk openly and play games and be a kid without being judged or scolded. She's strong and amazing, that's why I thought about you. You commented out of the blue which felt like you were reaching out and not in a great place, hence I tried to show you how strong and amazing I thought you were. Instead, I pissed you off by mistake. I am sorry I didn't make you feel better.

Early intervention works because kids learn new things so quickly and can go a long way in preventing worsening issues in the future.

You have the best day you feel able to have and don't stay away too long. People will worry about you :-)
