My Actifit Report Card: May 5 2024

in Actifitlast month

The weather was quite dull when I woke up, and so was I, apparently. I had a terrible night's rest last night; I couldn't sleep well, kept waking to drink water and ease myself, so I was deprived of the complete 8 hours of sleep.

Sundays are, of course, for Christian meetings and relaxation. I went to the meeting first with my sister and one of our close friend. On a normal day, I would have boarded a tricycle to save myself from the heat of the scorching sun, but since I am hell-bent on my fitness, I decided to trek both ways. I mean, my work is one that makes me sit from morning to evening, so it is only fair that I dedicate some time to move around.

When I got back home, I just headed to my bed without changing clothes to sleep. It's been a week full of activities, and today is the only day I get to rest. Well, I hadn't slept for 30 minutes when my mom's voice woke me. She had returned from seeing a friend and was reminding me that I planned to go get some personal items and groceries.

So I woke up again, dressed up, and headed out again to begin another round of trekking.

On my way to the nearest grocery shop, I realized I didn't have enough cash with me, so I went to a nearby ATM machine to withdraw some money.

I also had to stop at my friend's house to say hi. It's been long since I saw her, and I haven't been able to reach her through calls and messages. Since I was out, it only made sense to visit her.

We had fun, even though it was for a short period. She was really excited to see me, and so was I. She saw me off, and I continued my journey looking for a grocery store to get just the few items I needed.

It was difficult for me to find a grocery store; all were closed, as they usually are on Sundays. When I finally located one, they barely had the items I needed.

So I just got my body lotion, oil, and soap. I use Cussons baby soap and oil because I have very sensitive skin. I have tried using other soaps and oils, but I only ended up with rashes and very painful boils, not until someone suggested I try any baby product. So far, the baby soap and oil have been good, and the Nivea body cream helps in smoothing out my body.

I also got few sachets of Golden Morn and some milk for my tea and coffee before heading home.

As soon as I got home, I had a cool shower and did my face yoga exercises. I started just yesterday, and today is the second day.

I use the Face Yoga app from the Play Store for tutorials and to track my progress, just as I use the Actifit app to track my fitness progress. So, friends, that was all I did for today, hoping for a better day tomorrow.

_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Shopping, Walking, Yoga