Give me that Miller High Life on My Actifit Report Card: April 3 2020

in Actifit4 years ago (edited)

I walked through a Super Walmart to buy a soccer ball for the boys, and I noticed the Miller High Life was way cheap.


I stopped to message @luvbnamome this pic of 12 pack bottles for $5.98
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This grumpy hold man loaded the only four 12-Packs in the cooler. I told him I wanted a pack and he told me no. I was slightly pissed!


I walked through downtown @cityofvisalia 2 times today, and most restaurants and hair salons are closed. One barbershop is still open and is busy.

I did push-ups in front of the closed Starbucks where I worked, and I can’t believe all this COVID-19 craziness.

Thank you, and get your @actifit done.

Walking,Shopping,House Chores,Daily Activity