My Actifit Report Card: May 16 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

Today, I did not go for my morning walk, I just slept to late!! (We may only exercise to 9:00 am)

I then went to work in the garden, and mowed the lawn. I also raked the leaves that was lying on the lawn, this mainly came from my fig tree!!

Later on I had 2 friends over to taste some of my home brew beer!!

They loved my Beer!!

Stay healthy, stay active and stay home!!

Daily Activity, Gardening
176 cm
76 kg
Body Fat


Ok ok I forgot about the 1st two images as soon as I saw the last images. Are those Harley davidson?? I am just a curious one with Bike addiction ;) jk

No, it is two classic BMW's one is a R50 and the other a R60 - the R60 is from 1958.

Yeah, today you have quite healthy of actifit points, may me the effect of beer!

Rather the hard work.

Wow. You did well. You had a good activity count.

Thank you so much.

It is good to be able to share with friends the products of our creation dear friend @rynow and the best thing is to know what it is to know that it was to your liking.
I wish you an excellent weekend

Yes, my one friend now asked me to teach him as well, which is great!!

Yeah... the moment, when the beer comes at the end of the activities is awesome. Given the fact this is a home brew, the moment becomes even better.

I agree, and seeing everybody enjoying it gives a lot of satisfaction. My one friend now wants me to teach hm to brew as well.

Lol are your friends on Hive?

No they are not, you can't believe, but I can get them to join!!

You should getting them to join ☺

Nice bikes!

Thanks, I love them.

I don't know why they make everyone exercise during the same time period in SA! In France it was limited to an hour a day, but that hour wasn't specified. It has now been relaxed. We can exercise and go out as we wish (only can't travel more than 100km from our house.)

I think they will also relax that soon, as it now concentrates people on the street during the same time!!

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still keeping up with the exercise doing some lawn work cheers :)

Yes, it the work helped a lot, today however is a lazy day!!

This is good activity count.