My Actifit Report Card: July 1 2022

in Actifit2 years ago (edited)

“Work smarter…. not Harder!”😊
With the Fourth of July weekend here, Silvertop spent the day behind the lawnmower!😅
Looks like the entire neighborhood had the same idea Lol!🤣
Liz was home early today, and we hiked to the pond, a relaxing hike!🥰
“Liz….. look over there, Chris is mowing his yard with his tractor, that makes quick work of yard work!”😇
We continued our hike up our road…….
Jerry was on his riding mower, that’s still a fast way to mow honey!🥰
Look at the fourth photo, that was Silvertop’s step day Lol!🤣
Two tanks of gas with the push mower, and tomorrow morning while Liz is roasting coffee, Silvertop will push mow two to three hours to finish the “Trim” mowing Lol!😅
“Honey our riding mower is lots of fun, you can drive it this weekend if you want” …..😇

We stopped for a bit at the pond……
The only one’s that were not enjoying us were the Bullfrogs!
When the Frogs would hear us, they would let out a loud croak, and take off into the safety of deeper waters!
Little do they know Silvertop only wants to photograph them!😇
“Mocha Frappuccino when we get home Silvertop ?”😊
Absolutely honey!🥰
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Gardening,Hiking,House Chores


I'm glad it's Friday and we had a chance to go for a short hike. Riding lawnmower?..........I think I paid those dues way back at the beginning of 'us'. I remember riding the lawnmower with a baby on my lap! Nope, I done paid those dues! I will watch though, lol!

Honey, you missed a spot! I'll reward you with one of my super delicious mocha frappes! 😘🤗😘💕


Interesting wood carving.

I can't see it clearly but is the connected to the wind chime?

That's a lot of steps. Well done!

Thanks @leeart it was a good @actifit workout day! Yes this is a wind chime tucked away in a small "secret garden" 😀

Oh, I get it. It's no secret anymore :D