The Water isn’t Too…Deep Here!😇 My Actifit Report Card: February 20 2024

in Actifit5 months ago (edited)

The water isn’t…. too………deep here! 😇
“ Depth Check “ Lol!🤣
Liz suggested we hike the river trail today, that sounded like a nice hike!😊
A “ couple “ of years ago,🥰 when Liz and Silvertop were just newly Married……………….❤️
I thought it would be a fun day to take the Mrs canoeing!🥰
I discovered very quickly that Liz doesn’t know how to swim……and still doesn’t!🙄
As we paddled out into the “deeper” waters, Liz was using the canoe paddle to try and touch bottom………☺️
“ Silvertop I can’t touch bottom! “😳
From that day forward the term “ depth check “ has stuck with the Mrs Lol!🤣
Even at somewhat normal river levels like today, the Nooksack River is nothing to mess around with!😮
This river can be very unforgiving!
Hiking and exploring the trails on the shore, and the gravel riverside, is as close as anyone should go!

Isn’t it really amazing how flood waters change the course of this river!
We normally follow the same trail down to the rivers edge…………
“ Liz, I don’t remember this steep drop off here! “😳
Not only were large trees were carried by the raging waters, but also the gravel riverbed was significantly reshaped!😮
As we stood on the edge of this seemingly quiet River, you could see rain showers progressively coming down Sumas Mountain heading our way.
“ Honey it’s time to head back to our car, here comes the rain quickly! “😳
“ Silvertop if we head home now, you can help me add keychain on my new Mac air!” 🥰
“ I thought you wanted my old computer, and Silvertop would use the new one Lol “😇
Again with…. “THE” Look ……Lol !🤔😇🤣
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


Yay! 🤗
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Awesome work @ecency is doing, glad you enjoyed my post!😀

Hi there, and I know the feeling!
I can't swim either!
Have a wonderful week!

Be safe on the water my friend hope you have a great rest of the week!!😀

Thank You and I am!

It was beautiful down by the river! I now need a rock tumbler so I can go back and collect some of the rocks to polish. I think I could come up with some great things to make out of them.

The new computer is wonderful.......and no you can't have it!🤗💜😘😍

Hmmm......are you sure you don't want my excellent running Mac Lol!😇😘

hahaha🤣🤣hehehe🤣🤣hahaha🤣🤣 Nope! Dont' think so, but thanks for making me chuckle!!🤗💜😘😍


I'd be giving my Metal detector a workout to see if anything valuable got washed down from up river.

I will be right over Lol!!😇😀🤗


I can't swim either! 😆

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Have you thought about taking lessons in my friend, don't you live near the ocean?