TURN IT UP! 🤗🤘 My Actifit Report Card: April 17 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

Turn it up!😊
“ Based on your headphone usage, your volume should be turned down! “ 🤔
Big Brother is watching….. or should I say listening Lol!😇
Silvertop has been busy today……..
Splitting firewood, and installing the metal roofing on my new shed!😊
If you read my post from three days ago, you know the Mrs bought Silvertop a Bluetooth boombox!🥰
Liz and Silvertop have had our own band in the past, and Silvertop is an old “Rocker”!🤘
Early this morning I walked out to my wood pile, connected Bluetooth to my boombox, and proceeded to “Rock out” while splitting wood!🤗
Surprisingly this Bluetooth, that is connected to my iPhone SE, stays connected for a considerable distance away from the boombox!👍
Suddenly the volume was cut in half…….🤔
I checked my phone, and sure enough the volume had been reduced!
I finished up splitting all I could for the day, and proceeded to install my metal shed roofing…………..
“ Stairway to Heaven “ was suddenly reduced to a whisper!😳
That’s when I saw the message, you see in the second photo!
Silvertop had “ exceeded the recommended limit for audio for the last seven days! “ 🙄
Apparently, on some iPhones this can be overridden, but not on the iPhone SE 😮
“ Cot, aren’t you glad someone can’t regulate our hiking in the Mountains…….or your cold storage Trezor Crypto wallet Lol “ 😇
“ OK Apple…………………..
Silvertop is finished roofing, I’m going hiking, and I will leave the volume OFF for today’s hike with Cot! “ 😻
“ Cot, do you think your Mountain Lion relatives in the forest like “ Classic Rock? “ ☺️
“ Turn it up………again …..my friends!🤗
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike……and Cot!😻

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


Great music, too bad the phone wasn't cooperating... At least you got that roof installed! That's quite a feat.

Now the painting begins Lol😇
Hopefully I can find a workaround with the Bluetooth volume from my phone… it was warning me again today that my music was too loud!🤣