Got Dirt…….. 😊 My Actifit Report Card: April 20 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

Got Dirt? 🤗
They have a saying…….. “ Happy Wife, Happy Life! “ 🥰
Liz loves gardening, and she needed some topsoil!😮
“ Honey we have some very good soil deep in our woods, and it’s free! “😇
Our friend at the tiny house is also a gardener, his Father owns a local nursery………..
“ Silvertop you are going to end up with a lot of plant spores, I would go purchase a load of topsoil for Liz! 😊
Silvertop knew either way, he was going to be shoveling dirt today Lol!
I figured if I took my wheelbarrow down into my woods and loaded it up with topsoil, I would probably be repeating this process a dozen times!
Then Silvertop would also be UNLOADING each wheelbarrow load as well!😅
“ OK honey, let’s take our truck, and pickup a bucket full of topsoil! “ 🥰
“ That will be $43.00 a scoop “
One full load of this “Black Gold” and we were on our way back home.
This hard landscaping material supplier has a little bit of everything, and in addition to dirt, the Mrs also found some petunias for the yard, they were also coming home with us!😊
“ Silvertop I also like that large boulder they have over there, can we bring it home as well? “ 🥰
Guys remember to refer back to the beginning of this post………….
“ Happy Wife………………🥰😇
Before we hiked today, I needed to unload this full truckload of dirt!😅
“ Liz, I still need to split firewood for at least thirty minutes, so I keep making progress on our firewood pile! “
“ Hike with Jan at 4 PM Silvertop? “🥰
Both labor intensive projects finally finished, the three of us headed to Westergreens tree forest.
Jan was looking for wild Morel Mushrooms!😊
I guess we were still too early, not one Morel Mushroom spotted today…….🙄
What we did spot, was some “Canadian rain” coming our way!😅
“ No worries honey, that Canadian rain isn’t allowed across the Border Lol!😇
By the time we made it home it was starting to spit rain………
With the blue skies we had this afternoon, it’s hard to believe that as I type this post it’s raining hard!🙄
“ One more day of rain Silvertop, and Summer will be back! “🥰
Everyone have a wonderful evening, till tomorrow Silvertop Mike😎

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Gardening,Hiking,House Chores


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Thank you dear, for shoving my 'black gold'!🤗💜

