“ Working at the Car Wash Yeah! “ 😊 My Actifit Report Card: April 21 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

“ Working at the Car Wash Yeah! “ ☺️
What do you do for entertainment on a sunny Sunday Lol!😎
“ After the rain storm last night, I think we need to wash our car Silvertop! “ 🥰
This sounded like a “ Kodak Moment “ to Silvertop! 😇
There is something intriguing about sitting in a car that is being pounded by hundreds of gallons of multi colored soapy water!☺️
A quick snap with my iPhone, captured the fifth photo, that looks almost like frozen water!😊
Then as quickly as it started, powerful air blowers cleared our cars windshield and we drove away toward other adventures!🤗
“ That was fun Liz, they could sell tickets for this……….actually they do Lol! 😇
This “cheep” entertainment came in at a grand total of $13.00☺️
Liz had ordered a wooden raised garden kit on line, and before today’s hike, the Mrs deciphered the “picture ONLY instructions” and Silvertop started screwing everything together! 😅
Check out @elizabethbit post, for the completed raised bed kit!🥰
With a full yard of topsoil nearby, and the raised garden bed in position, Silvertop made a quick exit, and grabbed his backpack for a hike!😇
I passed Paul’s old log cabin, he has been gone just over a year……………
Tulips are in full bloom in front of his cabin !
April 21…………….
At our home high in the Colorado Rockies at 7,980 ft these tulips would be in full bloom about June 12!
Silvertop’s Birthday!☺️
I hiked onward to a small hidden pond, that only hikers on foot would find……….
Immediately I startled several PEPE the Frogs!🐸😳
Silvertop is the outsider here……………
“ It’s OK guys, Silvertop is just visiting! “😇
Somehow today just slipped through my fingers, it was time to head back home, how did the day go by so fast?😮
Back at Liz’s garden, she had filled the raised bed with topsoil, and was taking a break.😍
Spring planting is now officially here!🤗
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Gardening,Hiking,House Chores


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Now you have a nice clean truck! Looks like those tulips with be beautiful!

I ready for more Northwest rain storms Lol!🤣😇