Coming in Hot! 😎 My Actifit Report Card: April 22 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

Coming in Hot!😎
Spring that is!🤗
With multiple shopping stops in town today I said…………..
“ Honey, as long as we’re heading to town, why don’t we stop at the Fairhaven Marine Park!🥰
Liz had just parked the car, and we had only walked a few hundred feet, when Silvertop headed back to the car for a second sweatshirt!🥶
Gym shoes only, and one thin hoodie, Silvertop is usually always prepared……..
Just not today Lol!
“ It’s a cold day honey! “
I don’t think I have seen the waves this large before!😮
For a protected saltwater bay at “ Low Tide “ larger than normal waves were crashing onto the shore!
I could tell the Mrs was cold, Silvertop’s time exploring was going to be very limited today…………….
I started climbing large granite boulders up to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad trestle looking for the “ Perfect photo location! “😊
Boys never grow up, they just grow a bit older Lol!😇
Liz watched from below ………….😍
The Mrs and Silvertop raised three children, one daughter, and two boys!🥰
It was always somewhat easier with the boys, Silvertop always had them climbing and exploring the Mountains with him……….
Something’s STILL never change Lol!☺️
Quickly the cold wind was a bit too much for both of us, being only dressed for a shopping trip!
As we headed back towards our car the park became more protected from the wind……………
It became dead calm………..
“ From back here Liz the Ocean looks very inviting! “
“ It is Silvertop, we just needed to be better prepared today Lol! “ 🥰
Silvertop will file that information away for future trips to the Ocean Lol! 😇☺️
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,Shopping


Wait.... you have a daughter? I must have missed it. All the while, I thought you only had two kids! Sorry about that.
It's still Spring! It's supposed to be chilly, hehehe!

Aimee is our grown daughter @silversaver888 🥰
She loves the mountains and decided to stay in Colorado, our children are spread out all over now Lol!😊

i like your positive energetic attitude
u always surprise us we something new
Keep it up my friend 🔥💪.

Thank you, my friend, it was a fun day down at the ocean!😊
Hope your day was nice, take care!🤗

Washington coastal weather is so unpredictable. Soon it will be summer and not many cool days to be had after that!

I’m ready with the A/C my friend!😎😅


