What’s the “Buzz” all about? 😳 My Actifit Report Card: April 23 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

What’s the “Buzz” all about? ☺️
Bees intensely circled the hives in Kurt’s yard as Silvertop hiked by……………🐝
“ Liz, I’m not going ANYWHERE near these hives! “😳
Keith slowed his shiny red Tesla to a stop alongside Silvertop……………
“ Armageddon is coming tomorrow Silvertop! “ 🙄😅
When Silvertop was a teenager, I was into camping with my buddies.😊
That’s when I started learning about the different cloud formations, and the weather that they could forecast for the next 24 hours….or even the next few day’s.
This information also came in handy when I became a Licensed Private Pilot, as weather can be very unforgiving!
Today’s sky’s were filled with “High Cirrus” clouds………….
These are typically fair weather clouds! 😊
Living anywhere else, Silvertop would expect beautiful weather for several days!😎
I passed Lynne busy working in her greenhouse, and raised vegetable beds…….
“ The last day to garden Silvertop! “
I have learned that living close to the Ocean “All bets are off” when it comes to tomorrow’s weather!😮
David was hurriedly working in his garden as well………….
“ Silvertop, I need to finish planting this new garden tonight…… it’s coming soon! “ 🙄
Silvertop, Liz, and Jan, were enjoying the Sunshine, what could possibly change?🤔
“ Honey it’s going to rain for at least a week! “🥰😅
“ Really………..Hmmm…….that’s not what the clouds are telling me Liz Lol! “ 😇
Somewhere off the West Coast, a storm is brewing…………..
Silvertop knows that soon, very soon, these wispy high altitude Cirrus clouds will become storm clouds, and the rain will start falling!😅
“ April Showers do bring May flowers! “
Soon, very soon, these rain clouds will part……….
May will usher in warmer weather for these neighborhood gardens, and for Silvertop’s mountain hikes as well!😎
Till tomorrow, Batten down the hatches, Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


Rain, rain, go away; come back again another day! 😍


I could use a greenhouse to extend my growing season.
I don't think I have the room for one.

Springtime weather can be cold, then warm so many times a greenhouse really helps!😎😊

haha, I would be next to the bees with the camera trying to make as many photos as possible!
Nice report, enjoy!

😳………I will watch you from a distance Lol!😇


How is the rain today? A whole week of rain doesn't sound like much fun!

The rain tapered off after noon to a misting rain, then it stopped!😊
Just in time to mow a wet lawn Lol!😇

Hehehe, the phrase does hold true because the rains in April, the month that kicks off growing season, provides the spring-flowering plants, @silvertop !

I’m sure your garden will be very plentiful @silversaver888, your roses always look beautiful!😊