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RE: Competition Colonia Sant Jordi - Ses Salines: August 23 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

What to say? Why some people like or dislike something? Difficult to say I guess why I don't like the smell and taste of coffee... About drinking hot drinks at hot weather I'm not that surprised.... I'm also drinking tea in summer and also red !WINE....


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It's okay if you can't explain why you don't want coffee. 🤗 You are probably the first person I know online who doesn't want coffee (except those who won't drink coffee due to health reasons). 😅

I would assume that you drink hot tea during the summer, though it can also be iced tea. 😏 !LOLZ !CTP

I meant hot tea indeed. Even though one of my favourite drinks is Lipton Ice Tea. BUT it needs to be the original one (not with peach or outher tasts added) and it needs to be carbonated! Hmmm and so far I like it only from the Lipton brand... i know I'm not so difficult for the rest !LOL
So this particular drink is sold only in Belgium or in some places in germany close to the Belgian border... Düsseldorf for example and I believe also I had it in Köln... That's difficult for me because I need to ask people to bring it over or to bring enough when going to Belgium by car... !CTP

What do you say when someone you dislike dies suddenly?
I don't bereave it!

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Do you mean "other taste" instead of outher tasts, and that your favorite original Lipton Iced Tea is available only in Belgium or in places in Germany close to Belgium? 🤔😅 !LOL !CTP

It's more like "sometimes" in places in Germany near to Belgium. It happened to me that I was in Düsseldorf and went to the exact same place where they had it before and they didn't have it any more :-( !PIZZA !CTP

I wonder what the "original" Lipton Iced Tea you really love tastes like. 😅 !PIZZA !CTP

I cannot describe the taste, but I'll try anyway. it's like lemonade with a tea taste or not-carbonated ice(d) tea but than carbonated !LOL !CTP

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But it takes me a while.

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Do you mean that the original Lipton Icea Tea is just the one that has the lemon flavor? 🤔 I think that the better word is "classic". 🤓 !LOL !CTP

Want to here a joke about pizza?
It's a little cheesy.

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What did the Buddhist say at the sandwich shop?
Make me one with everything.

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