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RE: #threetunetuesday (Eclectic Selection) | @hanselmusic

in Music2 years ago

Hello friends of Hive Music. This is the first participation I do for the #ttt. It's an interesting idea and I like it because as a musician and something of a music lover, there are always interesting sounds to share.

Welcome welcome my friend, I can tell already that you are really going to fit in here.

That's why my selection today will be varied, even though I only have 3 songs to choose from. Even so, I hope you like it and are open to hearing something different always.

Varied is always good and yours certainly were and I really liked them, your opener Cubano Chant - Roberto Fonseca is right up my street and I must admit I really enjoyed it.

I think it's a good song to dance, move and have good energy. My taste for synthesizers is reflected by the taste in this music. Dance with me!

Ya man, that second number again is completely new to me and is a banger, like a good synth myself! hard to believe this is from all the way back in 1985!

Wowsers!! The boy Ewan Dobson can certainly play, unreal!! His choice of hats is questionable at best, but man can he play, this was my favorite of the lot, so much so I had to watch it twice, which is rarity when I have 24 x 3 tunes to listen to!!


Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! I’m very happy you took time to listen to these songs, and glad you liked the Ewan Dobsons one his music is amazing and must be recognised. The other two songs are great too, I just wanted to share something very different and tried to make a good taste. Thanks for your support!

 2 years ago  

You did great, what I really like is lesser known songs that are really good like hidden gems and songs from countries where everyone in that country knows them but few outside that country know them, #ttt has really grown and I am loving how much new music I am discovering every week here, it's class!