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RE: Practicing "Pegasus Fantasy" on my new ESP LTD EC-256FM electric guitar

in Music2 years ago

You say relatively new, we say relative to what, cos you clearly can play some good arse tune there.


Hey, thanks mate.
I know how play acoustic guitar but mainly playing chords to accompany myself or friends singing but I only started with electric guitar December last year. I just joined a local guitar school to learn to play ambient guitar. This solo thing is new, I practiced this song every day for the last two weeks and it took me maybe 30+ attempts at recording myself until I got this video above because I kept making mistakes, lol.

Your practice is hella paying off. Wish I had the focus to get to your level. Am still stuck with simple tunes on an acoustic.

I find the electric guitar easier than the acoustic. The strings have less tensions, you don't have to press hard on them and adding effect pedals is a lot of fun. Nowadays, even the cheap effect pedals (Donner, Caline etc...) are quite good for the price.

Maybe one day I will get me one, but I still find myself a beginner even though I have owned a guitar for 20 years. Probably cos I hardly touch it.

Same here 😅

I biggest challenge is doing bar chords... bane of my guitar hand.