At my weakest- James Arthur(cover music)

in Music2 years ago (edited)

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At my weakest- James Arthur (cover by @almostsober X @db-charles X @malcolmking X @khaleesii)

This song was released by James Arthur back in 2018 in his "at my" weakest/you deserve better" album.

That body of work had just two songs as the name implies but nonetheless those songs were powerful, which is typical of his songs.

There was a time in the early hours of my day as a musician when I was almost obsessed with his music and as such he greatly influenced my music career, he knows how to convey emotions with his music, with his vocals, and facial expressions.

If he was singing about a girl he loved, you could tell he meant every word, James Arthur has tons of love songs and I guess that explains why I'm more comfortable doing love songs than others naturally, maybe it's the allure of the desire that we all have deep down; to be loved.

Once again I bring you a love song to remind you of the beauty of love and hopefully to help you appreciate the love in your life a little more.

picture was taken by me

Love can be as radiant and alive as this beauty here, but when not properly nurtured, it can get sick.


We know that nothing lasts forever, but it pays to enjoy the good moments when they are with us, as those memories will also help us cope with the most trying of times.


So I'll advise you don’t be afraid to go down that road, don’t be afraid to love again.

We live for only a short while and die off disappearing like a mist, so enjoy the love in your life when you get the chance to love because it can be tough sometimes, it is the greatest emotion gifted to us by the creator.

Sing along with me!!


Source: YouTube

*It's a long night and a big crowd
Under these lights looking 'round for you
Yeah, I'm steppin' outside under moonlight
To get my head right, lookin' out for you, yeah
Could it be your eyes
Didn't know that I've been
Waitin', waitin' for you
When your by my side, everything's alright
Crazy, I'm crazy for you
Oh, here I go, down that road
Again and again the fool rushin' in
But I can't help when I feel some kind of way
Do you feel the same? 'Cause
And I fall, I fall for you
You caught me at my weakest
And I fall for you *

Thank you for stopping by

It’s been a pleasure sharing my thoughts with you today!

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@almostsober, I Love your voice, so so beautiful,
Let me not just talk too much.😁😁
N dat look you gave us before singing.
It made me smile.
Thank you for sharing your talent dear.

Thanks @benii 😅

Let me not just talk too much
Oh don’t you stop on my account😆
N dat look you gave us before singing.
What look? 😅

Thanks a lot @benii, your words are so pleasant but they don’t compare to your singing🙃

Amazing as usual, no more words are needed.

Thank you as usual, no more words are needed 😁

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Your voice is beautiful😍 !
I loved every bit of it, especially from 1:20. I had goosebumps man.

Thanks @omosefe 😅 I’m happy to connect with you through music especially here on hive… it’s a pleasure to meet you and than u for ur encouraging words today, my post haven’t done well lately and it’s gotten me quite downhearted lately but your words make it all better… thanks @omosefe

Hey @almostsober, it's like that sometimes. Just please do not let it get to you. Consistency always pays in the end.

Plus you're most welcome.

Consistency always pays in the end.

I’ve been hearing this a lot lately you know… I get it though, thanks for the reminder

You're always welcome.

You got the voice man! Very nice. I see you write songs too 😝😝 fantastic!

Thanks man, I appreciate the support… yeah, it’s been more or less a hobby for a while now and it’s satisfying to have a platform to express myself like this.