
Of course I heard you in that publication.

Often, the themes revolve around emotions, and I don't feel like my songs match them, but maybe I should just do what I like and ignore whether they match or not.
What do you think?

Well, this is something that has happened to me, in fact it always happens to me, if we are referring to hive openmic, I think I can recommend you to put any song that comes to you! And that in some way, even if it is minuscule, you relate the song with the theme, many times it is not that they have to coincide. I don't know if I understood the question correctly 😓 😆 🙏🤩👊🎶🎼🤗👌💯😊✨⭐🍻🎊

Yes you have understood it correctly, and I'm grateful that you say that!
You're basically saying, even tiny connections to the theme will do!
That will work for me beautifully!
Thanks for that, my friend, that's really helpful! 😃🤗