Las mujeres en la música / Women in music

in Music3 years ago

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Creo que la música es la más fenomenal plataforma para el pensamiento intelectual -Annie Lennox -

I believe that music is the most phenomenal platform for intellectual thought -Annie Lennox -

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Un saludo a todos los Hive amigos que visitan mi blog.

Aprovechando que estamos en el mes "comercial" de la mujer y sacando provecho del auge que existe a nivel mundial al feminismo como lucha en la igual de género, quiero comentar con ustedes el talento de cinco mujeres que, no fueron tan reconocidas ni aplaudidas, casualmente, por el hecho de ser mujer.

Greetings to all Hive friends who visit my blog.

Taking advantage of the fact that we are in the "commercial" month of women and taking advantage of the worldwide boom of feminism as a struggle for gender equality, I want to comment with you the talent of five women who, coincidentally, were not so recognized or applauded because they were women.

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Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ígor Stravinski, y muchos otros, sin duda, son grandes iconos históricos de la música clásica y referencia obligada para quienes han decidido o decidan dibujar notas musicales en la partitura de la vida, sin embargo, no son los hombres los que han otorgado invaluables aportes a la música, existen grandes mujeres que, de haber sido por que fueron silenciadas, por diversas razones e ilógicas ideologías humanas, dejaron indiscutiblemente un huella en la orquesta sinfónica de la humanidad.

Los invito a conocer un poco más de cinco mujeres de la música.

**Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Igor Stravinsky, and many others, without a doubt, are great historical icons of classical music and obligatory reference for those who have decided or decide to draw musical notes in the score of life, However, it is not only men who have made invaluable contributions to music, there are great women who, if they had been silenced, for various reasons and illogical human ideologies, have unquestionably left their mark on the symphony orchestra of humanity.

I invite you to know a little more about five women in music.

Maria Anna Mozart

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Fue la hermana mayor de Wolfgang Mozart y es conocida con el apodo “Marianne”, su padre Leopoldo, la enseñó a tocar varios instrumentos musicales pero el piano fue su gran pasión. De pequeños compartieron grandes momentos y fueron inseparables.

Cuando su padre decide mostrar el inigualable talento de su hijo Wolfgand decidió llevarse también a Marianne, y los dos hermanos brillaron en las cortes de Paris y Viena, y mientras el mundo se preparaba para conocer su gran genialidad, Marianne tuvo que darle pause a sus melodias y dedicarse a su nueva vida, como mujer casada.

El siglo XVIII no habia espacio para mujeres excepcionales, y por designios de la tradición y de su padre, Maria Anna contajo matrimonio con un magistrado millonario llamado Johann Baptist Franz, nupcia acordada previamente por ambas familias, según las costumbres de la època, por lo que la jóven sumisa no solo abandono su brillante carrera como interprete, sino que además renunció a su verdaddero gran amor; el capitán y tutor Franz D'Ippold.

She was Wolfgang Mozart's older sister and is known by the nickname "Marianne". Her father, Leopold, taught her to play several musical instruments, but the piano was her great passion. As children they shared great moments and were inseparable.

When their father decided to show the unequalled talent of his son Wolfgand, he decided to take Marianne with him as well, and the two brothers shone in the courts of Paris and Vienna, and while the world was preparing to know their great genius, Marianne had to give pause to her melodies and dedicate herself to her new life, as a married woman.

The 18th century had no room for exceptional women, and by the designs of tradition and her father, Maria Anna married a millionaire magistrate named Johann Baptist Franz, a nuptials previously agreed upon by both families, according to the customs of the time, so the submissive young woman not only abandoned her brilliant career as a performer, but also renounced her true love, the captain and tutor Franz D'Ippold.

Leonor de Aquitania


Una noble medieval francesa, quien por derecho propio fue duquesa de Aquitania y Guyena y condesa de Gascuña, y que por matrimonio llegaría a ser reina consorte de Francia tras su matrimonio con con Enrique de Anjou.

Desde muy joven resalto su amor por la música sintiéndose especialmente atraída por los trovadores del sur de Francia (trobadours) lo que la llevó a convertirse en la primera mujer trovadora de la historia.

Leonor difundió su talento por toda Francia, pero al llegar a Inglaterra, un grupo cantantes ambulantes conocidos como "glee singers" y "glee maidens" opacaron la éxito de la trovadora.

El ritmo de los trobairitzs era muy nuevo para la época y las composiciones a menudo eran acompañadas por instrumentos como el laúd, flauta, tamboril y pequeñas arpas y la inexperiencia de la joven, así como lo de todos los trovadores que aquel momento, la llevaron al retiro y que sus poemas convertidos en música llegaran a nosotros.

A French medieval noblewoman, who in her own right was Duchess of Aquitaine and Guiana and Countess of Gascony, and who by marriage became Queen Consort of France after her marriage to Henry of Anjou.

From a very young age, she highlighted her love for music, feeling especially attracted by the troubadours of the south of France, which led her to become the first woman troubadour in history.

Leonor spread her talent throughout France, but when she arrived in England, a group of itinerant singers known as "glee singers" and "glee maidens" overshadowed the troubadour's success.

The rhythm of the trobairitzs was very new for the time and the compositions were often accompanied by instruments such as the lute, flute, tambourine and small harps and the inexperience of the young woman, as well as that of all the troubadours at that time, led to her retirement and her poems turned into music came down to us.

Isabel Ángela Colbran

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Dueña de una voz muy particular fue considerada la mejor mezzosoprano y soprano dramático- coloratura de su tiempo por tener la habilidad de contar en diferentes registros y pasar fácilmente de mezzosoprano grave a soprano aguda coloratura. Su padre, Giovanni Colbran, fue un gran violinista y músico de la corte del Rey de España.

Conquistó Italia y Francia con si increíble talento vocal junto a si esposo, el famoso compositor de óperas italiano Gioachino Rossini quien la consideró su musa y una de las mejores intérpretes de su obra.

En el siglo XIX, la figura de compositor estaba destinado, exclusivamente a los hombres, las mujeres solo eran musas, pero Colbran si atrevió a ir más allá y compuso 4 volúmenes de canciones que dedicó a la zarina rusa, su maestro Girolamo Crescentini, la reina de España y la princesa Eugenia de Beauharnais.

Owner of a very particular voice, she was considered the best mezzo-soprano and dramatic-coloratura soprano of her time for having the ability to count in different registers and to pass easily from low mezzo-soprano to high coloratura soprano. Her father, Giovanni Colbran, was a great violinist and court musician of the King of Spain.

She conquered Italy and France with her incredible vocal talent together with her husband, the famous Italian opera composer Gioachino Rossini, who considered her his muse and one of the best interpreters of his work.

In the 19th century, the figure of composer was exclusively for men, women were only muses, but Colbran dared to go further and composed 4 volumes of songs dedicated to the Russian Tsarina, her teacher Girolamo Crescentini, the Queen of Spain and Princess Eugénie de Beauharnais.

Clara Schumann


Una mujer alemana, pianista, compositora y profesora de piano que fue reconocido como una distinguida concertista en tosa Europa y que además destacó su talento en la composición durante 61 años de carrera musical durante el cual fue capaz de cambiar el formato del tradicional recital de piano asi como también su repertorio.

Desde pequeña fue una niña prodigio y su talento musical fue heredado de sus padres, Friedrich Wieck, pianista y maestro profesional, y su madre una cantante consumada. Se casó con el compositor Robert Schumann con quien tuvo 8 hijos.

Su reconocimiento llego a tal nivel que se convietió en la educadora más influyente del Conservatorio Hoch en Fráncfort y su vida a sido inpiración para varias peliculas y su imagen apareció en el billete de 100 marcos alemanes de 1989 a 2002.

A German woman, pianist, composer and piano teacher who was recognized as a distinguished concert pianist in all of Europe and who also highlighted her talent in composition during a 61-year musical career during which she was able to change the format of the traditional piano recital as well as her repertoire.

From an early age she was a child prodigy and her musical talent was inherited from her parents, Friedrich Wieck, a professional pianist and teacher, and her mother an accomplished singer. She married the composer Robert Schumann with whom she had 8 children.

Her recognition reached such a level that she became the most influential educator at the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt and her life has been the inspiration for several films and her image appeared on the 100 DM banknote from 1989 to 2002.

Louise Adolpha Le Beau


Se vio involucrada por la música desde su nacimiento, su padre un general en la armada de Baden, cantante y director amateur. Coemnzó a cantar a muy temprana edad y a loas 8 años ya había escrito su primera composición, por lo cual recibió el apoyo de sus padres quienes la inscribieron en clases de canto y piano y los 18 años hizo su debut en su primer concierto de piano en sol menor con la Baden Court Orchestra.

Es considerada una gran pianista, compositora y crítica alemana, escribió más de 60 obras de las cuales solo 35 fueron publicadas, las cuales están inspiradas en el desarrollo de su carrera y los obstáculos que tuvo que atravesar en relación a discriminación de genero.

A pesar del gran talento de Le Beau, tuvo que soportar ser rechazada por las diferentes óperas alemanas para tocar sus obras, sin embargo contó con el apoyo del compositor Josef Rheinberger quien la acepto como su alumna cuando era conocido por no dar clases a mujeres.

El fin de su carrera se vio marcado por el último respiro de sus padres, que fueron su apoyo más importante a lo largo de su vida. La perdida la dejó devastada y aunque lo intento, no pudo continuar con su carrera como compositora, cantante y critica.

She was involved in music from birth, her father was a general in the Baden army, an amateur singer and conductor. She began singing at a very early age and by the age of 8 she had already written her first composition, for which she received the support of her parents who enrolled her in singing and piano lessons and at the age of 18 she made her debut in her first piano concerto in G minor with the Baden Court Orchestra.

She is considered a great German pianist, composer and critic, she wrote more than 60 works of which only 35 were published, which are inspired by the development of her career and the obstacles she had to go through in relation to gender discrimination.

Despite Le Beau's great talent, she had to endure being rejected by the different German operas to play her works, however she had the support of the composer Josef Rheinberger who accepted her as his pupil when he was known for not giving lessons to women.

The end of her career was marked by the last breath of her parents, who were her most important support throughout her life. The loss left her devastated and although she tried, she was unable to continue her career as a composer, singer and critic.

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Espero que hayan disfrutado de esto tanto como yo, ya que siempre es reconfortante valorar los beneficios, ventajas y privilegios que tenemos en este mundo como resultado de infinitas luchas feministas que poco a poco han logrado insertar a la mujer dentro de una sociedad marcadamente machista desde el inicio de los tiempo.

La reflexión que les dejo es que si ellas, con todo y los obstáculos que tuvieron y en una época donde la mujer era abiertamente silenciada, lograron mostrar su talento y aunque se vieron obligadas a renunciar a su trayectoria, fueron leales a sus sueños y su talento y por muy pequeña que sea, dejaron una huella in¡imborrable en la historia. Aprendamos de ellas.

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did, since it is always comforting to value the benefits, advantages and privileges that we have in this world as a result of infinite feminist struggles that little by little have managed to insert women into a markedly sexist society since the beginning of time.

The reflection I leave you with is that if they, with all the obstacles they had and in an era where women were openly silenced, managed to show their talent and although they were forced to give up their career, they were loyal to their dreams and their talent and however small it may be, they left an indelible mark in history. Let us learn from them.

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This post is culturally very rich and super interesting.

Well done, @beatriche.

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