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RE: From a hospital bed - Three Tune Tuesday

in Musiclast year

So you are what we call a captive audience lol. The tape is no problem and don't be such a pussy as it is over before you know it and is like a free waxing except you never ordered one. Hope you are out soon as it is the best place to start a diet as you have very little temptations around you. The snoring is a killer as you actually come out more tired than when you went in. Go private as you get your own room and more reason for your crypto bags to make unimaginable wealth.


Haha, I manned up and managed to avoid watery eyes while the tape came off. No, never had a waxing and don't think I'll be starting anytime soon.

I’ve not been able to swallow any solid foods since the end of last week so even the meagre hospital offering of rice and peas for lunch was some of the best food I’ve ever tasted! I suspect once the swelling fully subsides and I can open my jaw fully, I’ll be binging to make up on all those missed calories 😀


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