From a hospital bed - Three Tune Tuesday

in Musiclast year

I can honestly say that there aren’t many weeks that go by where in my mind I don’t create a playlist that I want to contribute to @ablaze ‘s magnificent 3 tune Tuesday.

Unfortunately my thoughts and time tend to move faster than my ability to blog and before you know it, Tuesday is gone and I am ploughing deeper into the week with family and working commitments multiplying as I go.

However, this week is a bit different because I was unexpectedly admitted to hospital yesterday with a peritonsillar abscess and suspected early signs of sepsis. I’d actually had and recovered from a bought of bacterial tonsillitis just a couple of weeks ago but it seems like that infection hadn’t completely disappeared and returned with renewed vigour over the weekend.

Good news is that medical staff at my local hospital have been fantastic! They drained the abscess (I’ll let you imagine what that might look like) and pumped me full of all manor of drugs to stop the infection escalating which means I’m feeling significantly better than I was this time yesterday.

The other good news is that I have absolutely no excuse as to not having time to blog this Tuesday and in fact I’m doing so from my hospital bed while waiting for the ENT consultant to give me the all clear - I would love to spend tonight in my own bed as I seem to be sharing a ward with several medal hopefuls at the Snoring World Championships!

a view from my hospital bed. I’ve endured being prodded and cut with needles and scalpels on a variety of sensitive areas but pain wise what I’m dreading most is the nurse ripping off my IV needle which is taped across my hairy arms. That’s gonna sting like a mother fucker!

It also provides an easy theme for my 3 tunes - from a hospital bed!

Cold War Kids - Hospital Beds

Great band and a track from a great album (Robbers and Cowards) worthy of a 3 tune Tuesday in their own right (if no one has done it already).

I actually used to play this song fairly regularly with some mates in more of a jamming group rather than what you’d describe as a band. We were just a collection of expat friends living in East Asia and playing with whatever instruments we could get hold of with the occasional open mic night thrown in where enough of us happened to be at the right pub at the right time.

Best Lyrics:
I’ve got one friend lying across from me
I did not choose him
He did not choose me

In this instance my friend lying across from me was a similarly aged man who like myself enjoyed a bit of road biking but had, against his wife’s wishes, decided to buy a BMX bike. His first go out on the new bike he tried a wheelie and broke his leg in 2 places. There are 2 lessons to learn here. Firstly, your wife is always right and secondly, leave those kind of antics to the kids who tend to bounce when they hit the ground!

Pink Floyd - Take up thy stethoscope and walk

I’m a big fan of all things Floyd but hold a special affinity with their early work under Syd Barret as well as lot of his solo releases before he went completely off the reservation - turns out that LSD in your morning coffee is not a recipe for long term success even in the field of 1960s psych rock.

However, this was in fact the first Pink Floyd song to be written solely by Roger Walters who following Barret leaving the band went on to be their primary song writer.

Favourite Lyric: the opening “Doctor Doctor” to the first few lines that replaces the earlier beat. Simple yet highly effective.

The The - Heartland

Again a band I could write plentiful 3 tune Tuesday blogs on. In my opinion, Matt Johnson is one of the greatest singer songwriters of his generation and what is more is that his strongly political lyrics continue to hold such weight 3 decades on. In fact, in many of instances they are scarily prophetic.

This selection for my hospital beds theme comes from a slightly different angle and recognises the fact that my first admittance to a UK hospital since being a toddler coincided with the largest industrial action in the history of the NHS (pretty bad timing on my behalf) with many nurses and paramedics going on strike this week due to poor pay.

Best Lyric:
This is the land where pensioners are apes
And the hearts are being cut from the welfare state
Let the poor drink the milk
While the rich eat the honey
Let the bums count their blessings
While we count the money

Healthcare workers have been historically underpaid and the system as a whole poorly funded for generations. The NHS is arguably the greatest social welfare achievement of post war Britain and yet we stand a very real risk of losing it. If we did, I suspect that we’d never (at least in my lifetime) see a health care service that delivers free care at the point of service again in the way that the NHS does and that we’d slip towards a system similar to that in the US where access to care is directly related to your bank balance and that would be a very sad day indeed.

After all, as Johnson sings at the end of this song

This is the 51st State of USA


Holy shit! When I saw the title and your bed photo, I got scared. Good thing you're on your way of getting better and no major intervention is needed.

but pain wise what I’m dreading most is the nurse ripping off my IV needle which is taped across my hairy arms. That’s gonna sting like a mother fucker!

😂 Looking at your arm and the tape ... oh boy!!! Ouch!!! That will hurt like hell, but be brave, don't bring shame on Hive 😂

Ok, jokes aside, get well. Sending positive vibes.

Haha I held it together while she pulled it off only to knock off the cotton wool she subsequently tapped across the wound while putting my jumper on which caused blood to pour down my arm and hand. Still you've gotta have at least one war wound to show in these instances when you get home otherwise people think you’re faking it 😀

Thanks for the well wishes


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So you are what we call a captive audience lol. The tape is no problem and don't be such a pussy as it is over before you know it and is like a free waxing except you never ordered one. Hope you are out soon as it is the best place to start a diet as you have very little temptations around you. The snoring is a killer as you actually come out more tired than when you went in. Go private as you get your own room and more reason for your crypto bags to make unimaginable wealth.

Haha, I manned up and managed to avoid watery eyes while the tape came off. No, never had a waxing and don't think I'll be starting anytime soon.

I’ve not been able to swallow any solid foods since the end of last week so even the meagre hospital offering of rice and peas for lunch was some of the best food I’ve ever tasted! I suspect once the swelling fully subsides and I can open my jaw fully, I’ll be binging to make up on all those missed calories 😀


Hey @cryptoandcoffee, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

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Hope you are on the mend. Didn't know you were bed ridden. Spurs losing to Leicester must have been the icing on the cake that week.

Haha, it didn’t help. However I was at my absolute worst on the Sunday before when we beat City so you could say that result saved my life (along with the antibiotics)


Hey @blanchy, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

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Cheers to a speedy recovery - I truly hope you get to sleep in your own bed tonight. While not for good reasons so glad you got to participate in TTT this week!

Thank you and I was back in my own bed last night enjoying 11 hours sleep 😀


Hey @iwannabeme, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

 last year  

Shit man, sorry to here your up on bricks at the hospital. That sepsis shit can be serious, so thankfully you (or your wife probably if you're like me!!) had the sense to get to the hospital quickly. Hopefully you're on the mend now and have quality ear buds to block out the Snorer of the decade contenders!

As for the tunes, quality stuff here, three firm favourites and The The and Cold War Kids have never featured, so an exclusive #ttt would always be welcomed next time you muster some time.

I don't reckon I even got an hours sleep on Monday but instead I did rewatch most of the first season of The Sopranos so every cloud...

Will definitely try and put a couple more blogs together for those 2 bands at least then. Got some time off work but I’m hopeless at sitting around doing nothing 😀


 last year  

We must be long lost brothers so as I'm the same. Can't just sit around doing nothing either! Nice one binging the Sopranos though, epic series and one I must watch again myself.

Hey @ablaze, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Fortunate you got the needed help in time.

Interesting tune selection, the lyrics are fascinating. Those songs will stay in my trigger memory for some time I guess (the memories that get triggered when exposed to certain phrases by others).

Get better and home soon.

Oh definitely some trigger memories in their. "Doctor, Doctor" being shouted down the corridor triggered the Floyd song for me


Hey @hannes-stoffel, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

So sorry about this, hope you get better soon

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