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RE: From a hospital bed - Three Tune Tuesday

in Musiclast year

Holy shit! When I saw the title and your bed photo, I got scared. Good thing you're on your way of getting better and no major intervention is needed.

but pain wise what I’m dreading most is the nurse ripping off my IV needle which is taped across my hairy arms. That’s gonna sting like a mother fucker!

😂 Looking at your arm and the tape ... oh boy!!! Ouch!!! That will hurt like hell, but be brave, don't bring shame on Hive 😂

Ok, jokes aside, get well. Sending positive vibes.


Haha I held it together while she pulled it off only to knock off the cotton wool she subsequently tapped across the wound while putting my jumper on which caused blood to pour down my arm and hand. Still you've gotta have at least one war wound to show in these instances when you get home otherwise people think you’re faking it 😀

Thanks for the well wishes


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