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RE: Music Monday

in Music3 years ago

Hahahah yeah I have some pretty weird/crazy music in my collection. And some really dark music too. I think I may have actually heard that song working in a kitchen. That's where you hear a lot of music that shouldn't be listened to around others haha. Or, maybe I just remember that from myself being the weirdo who played it.

Yeah there's a lot of really bad music out there right now. There's some good stuff too, but it's pretty obscure and difficult to find and usually confined to select genres. I feel like we might have some good music coming out in the near future considering the weird times we've living in. Hard times usually produces good art.

On my last country note- I worked with a guy for 50-60 hours a week for about a year who would listen to the local country station exclusively and he owned the jobsite radio so there wasn't much arguing about it. It was the same 6 or 7 garbage songs on repeat with an occasional random one thrown in. All week long. For a year. I don't think I'll ever be able to give modern country a shot after that.. not that I imagine I'd enjoy it regardless however haha