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RE: 2021 : A Time For Fresh Rock!

in Music3 years ago

Therapy? Manics and The Wildhearts were my bands in my young 20s, the early 90s was a special period.
Usually, my favourite album depends on the mood, especially with Manics, I'll plump for Send Away The Tigers, just because they sound like they're having fun. Journal For Plague Lovers was also brilliant. I do need to catch up with some later Therapy? stuff. I did hear that Cleave was a good album. Sometimes, there's too much to listen to (and my time gets occupied by 2 small boys).


Yeah I know what you mean about an album to suit a mood.
I love Autumn Song from that album, what an banger!

The Wildhearts are great, especially live. Bet it was immense seeing them live back in the 90’s in their prime.

I know all about two young kids absorbing all my time!
I have no time for indulging in music and film anymore