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RE: Last Christmas | Ariana Grande Version with My Buddy | Guitar Cover

in Music β€’ 2 years ago

@littlebeatle sister, happy belated Christmas to you πŸ˜† How wonderful that you get to share the virtue of happiness with such a special friend! Those is a beautiful thing, it's a priceless gift, preserve it, cherish it! That's what we are in this world for, to share appreciation and love in all its manifestations.
You guys got a beautiful cover! The original version is by George Michael, isn't it? Congratulations and thanks for the beautiful music. Hugs and blessings! πŸ€—πŸ™πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆ

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I don't know the very original, but the original of this version is by Ariana Grande cause she wrote more lyrics and added on! Haha πŸ˜†

You're absolutely right about what you said! 😊 too bad I always agree with you so I can't add anything else! Sometimes I get lost in comments so it takes me awhile to respond! I appreciate you and other friends watching me and sharing with me these moments! 😊