3 Years Of TTT

in Musiclast month

It's been 3 years that this lovely initiative which was started by our favorite Irish musically inclined hiver @ablaze has been running.

It seems like I just joined yesterday but I've been here for one and a half years!

Three Tunes Tuesday has grown way more than just a tag or an initiative, it's now a moving community which comes alive on every Tuesday with different tunes from different hivers from different parts of the world.
How to participate is simple.

  • Choose Your Three Songs.
  • Come on hive on Tuesday and write a post about them.
  • Use the tag "#ttt" and tag "@ablaze" to the post.
  • Post it and comment on others.

Every song posted with this tag here is added to a musical library online.

That's 3 good years of random music!!

Because of that, I try to keep my entries different every entry and at such I travel far and wide, in search of different themes and different songs to write about.
I get to listen to good times and if I'm lucky, could attract the eyes of any major whales or curation platforms (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

We all know how whales love music 🎶

Today though, due to my impending exams, and a mouth, cheek, jaw and all round head ache because of mouth sores from a reaction to a new antibiotics, I didn't have strength for my weekly musical search.
Luckily for me, just yesterday I made a post about some anime tunes and thank God I'm all in for reuse and recycle 🌚!!


Lilac from Oblivion Battery .

Now I don't know much Japanese, but I'm all in for good sounds.
And there's no sound that's more energetic than a hearty guitar singing.
This opening from Oblivion Battery has a beginning riff that just blew my mind!!

It's simple, short but fully punk rock!!!!!

Nobody from Kaijuu No 8

It still blows my mind that the Americans band One Republic made a song for an anime, and the song totally ate!!!🔥🔥🔥

Nobody for me is now a part of my playlist, a lovely song that'll truly warm your souls and make you yearn for companionship..

Suzume no Tojimari from Suzume.

This is one song that it's fame precedes it and for good reason too.
The song is so beautiful!!
Talks about heartbreak, romance and love.
It's a heart wrenching story covered with beautiful tunes and angelic vocals.
The anime movie itself is said to be wonderful although I haven't watched it yet so I can't say.
Although just listening to the tunes, hearing the lyrics (while reading the English translation for us who don't speak and hear Japanese) and getting lost in the music, one can really feel free like a Sparrow.

These are my three tunes for this week, had a lot of fun re-listening to em and providing a new different write-up.

What do you think of em?


  • Header Image was gotten from Canva

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