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RE: Sad Music but Happy Me!!

in Music3 years ago

Hey - congratulations on the new laptop!

But more importantly - what beautiful playing really enjoyed it!

regarding happy/sadness - I think emotions that music invokes are very subjective and personal - I often play music that people think is sad, but actually I'm happy. Right now I'm exploring what in music might remind the listener of summer time. I've only just started thinking about this and asking people but I already think the answer is going to be completely different for different people!

Anyway thanks for sharing - enjoy your music!



Thanks @tdctunes , it works very well at the moment, and I hope it will stay this way :))

Yes, it is so personal what music can wake up in us, and also what it evokes in us is personal! The same tune can affect differently each of us, and that is a beautiful feature of music 💙✨