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RE: Tonight's Dark Ambient Noisy Eurorack Synth Patch

in Music3 years ago

Very dark! I need to get more experimental with Rings! And Radio Music - well that's just limitless in terms of possibilities - it looks like you have 2 of them??


yeah rings is really great! all the mutable stuff seems really excellent. .. although i just have a few clones since I'm a budget guy🤡 and yes, i have2 of the radio musics, but i still haven't updated the firmware on them

Yeah agree re: mutable stuff - relatively affordable (even non copies) and really well thought out and flexible. I also see you have a grids, which I have 2 of and use as the main sources of dialable rythmns during my live stuff.

I have one radio music which I built from the kit - and I use it in most sets.