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RE: One "NO", Two Lessons!

in The MINIMALISTlast month

After reading, I began to say out my mind with voice and after few seconds, I remembered there's nothing like voicenote here😅.
Yeah, priorities in life. Roof over the head first before setting out to others...unless it's possible to sleep in shop while sorting out life. But no, that's not thinkable.

Love the bond between you and your mom even though there are battles of thought in fact, it's those battles that make it stronger 💪


Thank you 🙏🏾 and yes, the bond is very strong…

It might be possible for some to live in their business place but not for me. lol.

The shops I used to see, I mean the ones here, they're very small and jam-packed. Maybe the ones there are big man's style 😅