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RE: Come (and Go) As You Are

in The MINIMALIST7 months ago

He's my heart. Can't imagine life without him ❤️

My daughter as well but things are more complicated.

Yes :) Barefoot is best! Really for your headspace. All the better if you find a puddle or a stream to wade in. Or the ocean.

Hard to be safe in South Africa right now and I'm tired of it tbh. It's pretty awful. But will keep looking for the peaceful place...

You be safe too, angel ❤️


I could guess the connection from reading your posts.

Things are sometimes like that, I hope the complicated part gets fixed ❣️.

Now, the mention of the ocean just got me sighing... I term it my peaceful arena.

I hope you get that place soon. You deserve it. We all do.

I will, momma 😊.