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RE: It's A Process–Learn·Unlearn·Relearn.

in The MINIMALIST11 months ago

Another perspective to this argument is how being a content creator requires more than just creating the content.

Imagine what YouTubers generally have to do to get their content out. They'd have to do videography and photography, sound production (for some), be tech wizzy in some aspects, and the list can go on.

Being good in many areas than one is no longer an option but crucial in this day, especially if one is looking to thrive.


This is another interesting perspective to this discussion. I like that you used YouTubers as an example.

content creator requires more than just creating the content.

I'd agree with you on this too. Many people see content creation on the surface, they fail to put into consideration that there are other intricate things that make up content creation.

Thank you so much for coming around✨