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RE: Your personal space speaks volumes about you

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

I feel like this, too, I don't wish to be labelled a minimalist ... or anything else 😍. I like everything clean and tidy and without clutter, I find that pleasing, and I have time and space for what I want to do, which is generally some knitting related activity or reading, both of which have their paraphernalia 😁. I like to be able to find things quickly, and I am an absolute minimalist about cleaning 😂. I'm not sure I agree with you about people whose homes are more spartan (or more maximalist) than mine. I'm guessing they have their reasons, not necessarily negative ones, and they've made their choices.


Don't tell me about clutter... For the past few years we've been throwing things out and it's still not enough. Even books, though I'm a passionate reader. Yet, the things that interest me have changed, so I cannot keep all the books I bought 20 years ago. We put them in bags in front of the building and I'm glad to say I saw people looking through the bags :)