Celebrating That Special Day

I can understand why people get excited about weddings, they are a celebration of love afterall. But some weddings are so outlandish, that many are often left in debt, for something that lasts a day. Brides can spends thousands on a dress, that they will only wear for eight hours or so. And then it's put away somewhere, to gather dust.


The whole wedding industry is worth millions. If you want to splash out, there is so much to think about and organise or if you can afford it, you can just get a wedding planner who does it all for you. But that costs a lot.

I also understand that the Bride and Groom want to create a day that they and everyone who attend will remember. But I have seen people get competitive with this urge to create something original. Whilst also trying to please, certain family members. Weddings, can then end up becoming really stressful. Which then takes away from the day itself.

Then there are all the things needed, the decor, the catering, the flowers. A lot of the decor ends up being things that are then only used once. Just so many things that end up going in the bin after, creating way too much waste.

You can create a wonderful ceremony and celebration, without being in debt or creating lots of waste. If the focus is on celebrating love, then include the love of your community and let them get involved. Some of the best weddings/ceremonies that I have been to, are ones where the family and friends help out. Where, they get to express their love for the bride and groom, by helping to create their special day.


The amount of involvement, is of course up to those getting married, but it would be a much more relaxed vibe. Where those coming, would each bring a dish to share. With a select few bringing something sweet. At the begining of the year, I married two of my friends, performing a hand fasting for them.

They got married in the womens temple, which was built for the alternative midwifery school, which is run by a mutual friend of ours. It was so beautiful. And yes lucky them, to have use of a temple, but I have also attended unions that took place outdoors on a clearing surrounded by trees. Nature is my temple, so if one day I were to have a celebration or Union ( the modern wedding is not something I would do). It would be outdoors.

Afterwards, everyone would eat together from the food the community brought. With each person knowing to bring their own plate, cup and cutlery. It's pretty easy to provide for everyone, when you ask everyone to provide for themselves.
If love is really the reason for the celebration, then let's feel everyone's love.

I have friends who have large domes and festival tents that are perfect to use for shelter just in case the weather turns and also to house the music providers, whether it be a band and/or DJ.


I just feel there is too much pressure on people to put on a huge event, which really takes away from the whole reason for it in the first place, Love.

When I performed the handfasting, I said the following to everyone who attended,

Let all who are present here today, help to continually strengthen this bond.
So I as you all, do you promise to support this beautiful union between J and S.

So much today is focused on the material, with Weddings being right at the top. At the end of the day, it's up to each person how they want to celebrate their day. Just try not to get too swept up on the material. You shouldn't feel like you have to put a price on love. Or that you have to prove anything.




This looks like a wonderful wedding, where people are connected to each other and indeed celebrate !love 💙

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The wedding does indeed look nice. Everyone seems happy and it looks like a celbrationof love. You are correct - the focus is place too much on the material - how things looks.

Thanks @momogrow, it was such a beautiful celebration xxxx

It sounds wonderful to celebrate the love… without all the expenses.
It doesn’t need to cost a lot to be remembered.
🥰 thanks for sharing this.
Have a lovely evening!

Exactly, it doesn't have to be super expensive xxxx

If the focus is on celebrating love, then include the love of your community and let them get involved.

🙌💯 I like that thought!

Lovely photos and I'm sure that that wedding had feelings of love in the air, and not just pretentious and superficial people xxxx
small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

It was full of love and it was great to see so many people be involved xxxx

The wedding actually looks like a very fun setting, you could easily see the relaxed atmosphere and smile on the faces of the people seated there.
This is what a wedding should be about.

I love this. This is how a wedding should be, free of the pressures of trying to please the people rather than having a beautiful celebration of the love you all share.

What is more the addition of one more of such great love (your spouse) to either family and the bonding of both families in celebration.

Yes the bonding of families is a wonderful celebration as well xxx

Hippies...Are my favorite people 😁 I agree with what ya say about the event becoming too huge and eventually taking away from the reason why we getting married, LUUUUV

Who you calling a hippie?????
Lol, you would have loved it, it was a great day, all about love xxxxx

I couldn't think of anything more terrifyng than a huge formal wedding!

Except a wedding itself :D

Totally agree on all points. I think the more casual, the more authtentic connection because less stress... the more love all 'round.

How lovely you facilitated this. What a great story!

Thank you beautiful xxxx

The first thing I notice is how relaxed, connected and joyful everybody looks. Rather than the stressed, highly starched, scratchy collared, intense wedding ceremonies I am far more familiar with.

I don't do organised religion anyway but have always been struck by the fact that weddings always look 'highly strung' affairs that detract from the whole purpose of what the day, should be about.

More importantly Hiii!!! I hope you are doing great my friend, much love to you and yours from the intermittent, hardly around, crazy English dude who has always been absolutely enamoured with your lifestyle and wonderful, friendly, vibrant spirit [and rebelliousness of course haha]

Have a great week lovely lady, catch up again very, very soon 😎💝

Well would you look at that, there I was responding to your post and here you are responding to mine at the exact same time. That's connection right there xxxxxxx

100 bloody percent haha.

Thanks for the huge grin I am currently wearing. See a lot more of you going forward friend.

Big love Steven, always a pleasure xxxxxx