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RE: TMI (as always) : Imagine Being a Bot?

in The MINIMALIST11 months ago

But, I suspect, I’ve moved more into the G.I.L.F

You know, I'm of the age with the GILF is the new sexy, too. I bet we could make a tv series out of that. Without ChatGPT! 😂

Truth be told, I've used ChatGPT, but I use it for work. It excels at helping me write/debug code and write unemotional user documentation (e.g., do this, then that, then the other thing). I rather concur, it lacks emotion, but I find that I still always thank it when it corrects my code for me. I'd like it to remember me when AI takes over the world.

I've taken all autovotes off for now.

Hee. I've never autovoted. These last few weeks I've barely voted as a result. I'm so behind. You know that. So behind.

So very behind.


Hey! I'm all for productivity and making more time in a busy world!

I'm not anti AI at all. I love tech, in fact.

I just love art and literature as well.

Absolutely would use it for code etc (if I knew how to use it) 😂

Shopping lists as well. In fact shopping as well because yuck!

Cooking dinner a few times a week definitely... when it's able to get that right.

Reminding me what day it is... sometimes.

You know. A P.A. But not to take over "me".

I put them back on again. Because time. And I shuffle things around so...

Have a great day, V. Sending hugs and smiles. Don't forget to get outside for a bit.