Da Snow...


It's incredible how the weather can sometimes change in a matter of minutes, pretty much like women. Now you've got a bloody rain pouring endlessly for a few days already and a few minutes later when you look out on the window it's already snowing.

That's exactly my experience this afternoon. About half an hour before going to the gym I decided I should make some quick shopping for some beans and corn that I was lacking for my future meals and while getting dressed to go out and buy these the weather changed dramatically.

When I got to the car there were plenty of snowflakes falling from the sky and you could already spot the snow on the hills nearby. The best view I got with the snowy scenery was of the small mountains the Serbians have on the other side of the Danube.

I actually drove to the periphery of the town to snap these pics with this beautiful sunset and the snow covering the hills nearby. On the other side of the globe @davidickeyyall is enjoying something like 12 inches of snow in Colorado but I'm not that lucky.

Maybe in the following days, we will have more of it. I hope we do so. That's it for now, fam, I wish you all a great Friday, and see you all tomorrow.

Thanks for your attention,

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Geez. Your first sentence got me! 🤣 How dare you compare us to unpredictable weather? Kidding! But you're right, though. Hit a point there.

What a lovely place it is! Sadly, there is no presence of snow in my country.

Very beautiful and peaceful photos. Thank you for your work.

fantastic @acesontop 👏👏👏