

I'm eagerly anticipating Sunday because, according to the weather forecast, it seems that real spring weather will finally grace our part of the world. The constant string of gloomy days has started to take its toll on me. I must confess, at times my mood seems to mirror the weather...

Today, I unexpectedly found myself at the thermal baths. It wasn't part of my plan, but while at the gym, a buddy messaged me about heading there with another friend. I couldn't resist the invitation...

After a satisfying workout, indulging in a few minutes of thermal bath relaxation felt like a true blessing. Though I'm not fond of the sulfuric scent, I braved it for the sake of easing my recent shoulder and wrist discomfort, rumored to be alleviated by the sulfur content in the water.










While the place typically attracts an older crowd, today we had it all to ourselves. Whether that's fortunate or not is up for debate, but it certainly wasn't crowded.

I didn't linger in the water for more than 25 minutes. While my friends opted for a longer soak, I took a leisurely stroll around the area, capturing a few snapshots here and there. The river depicted in some of the photos flows all the way to my hometown, where it merges with the Danube.

Trees are starting to bloom both there and in my town, although nothing particularly striking yet. This spring seems rather timid and unsettling. I'm eagerly awaiting summer. Despite my aversion to scorching hot days, I find myself longing for the lazy days spent by the pool last summer.









Just three more months, and the season will be upon us again. Meanwhile, we must contend with what we're given. In the realm of crypto, today we're experiencing a well-deserved dip. My instincts tell me it might deepen further than current levels, but don't lose heart; such fluctuations are typical in a bull market.

That's all from me for now. Wishing you all a fantastic day, and until next time.

Thanks for your attention,


These pictures are beautiful. I appreciate them.

These pictures are beautiful. I appreciate them.

Thank you very much.

Yes, we ought to be contented with what we have while working towards what we need. It is nice knowing you had a good time with your friends and spent more with nature. The pictures taken are amazing.

Thanks for sharing ☺️.

Your comment is much appreciated. Thanks.

You are welcome 😁