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RE: Strange lights in the sky

in Photography Lovers • 3 months ago

Nothing like a bit of stargazing to make you feel oh so very small! 💫 It's pure magic though, isn't it? As a kid, I remember taping star charts to my walls and buying myself a little plastic telescope. Obsessively, I'd spend hours watching the moon and thinking about the fact that we're all just stardust... Your telescope looks incredibly swanky! I imagine it proffers some amazing sights on a good night - aka when it isn't a "typical day for astronomy in England". Are the flashes closer to home? Perhaps the tail lights of someones car?


I used to spend hours looking out my bedroom window as a kid when I should have been going to sleep lol. Believe it or not I had the scope given to me but I haven't put it fully through its paces, it doesn't have a tracking mount though, which would make things so much easier. As for the flashes its certainly something on the or on the clouds when I look at the single shots, the flashes actually fade in rather than just on snd off like a cars brake lights.

Amazing! I‘m envious - what an incredible gift. (Can you purchase a tracking mount separately?) How curious regarding the flashes…! They seem to come from one point, too. As in, they don’t seem to be coming from a moving object. They stay in one place… hm!