Magnificent Seaside Moods and Moments! Worth Enjoying!!!

Hello Everyone, pampering and lifting one's mood is absolutely crucial, in today's crushing times, when we are hard pressed for almost everything! Yes! That's so very true!

Many, may deny this, but accepting this fact is very important for one's mental health!

It's so ironical, that we exploit and crush #nature with our evil deeds, yet we go back to the nature to seek solace! This is universal! So universal that only extremely very very few people do really bother to care anout the nature and one's #life !!!

I mean, its so beautiful #world that we live in and still no matter how much damage has been done, we can still repair and can recover from it. But if gone beyond a certain point then it will really be difficult! But is anyone listening!!!

The seas and #oceans are our lifeline. We are absolutely dependent on them for almost everything! Our recreation, fun, enjoyment, relaxing times, time to sit on the beach and unwind, surfing, fishing, etc. etc... all these happen on the beach, by the seaside, in the seas and oceans!

We got to protect our oceans from plastic and all the garbage being dropped into it.

Oil Spilling is another major issue that needs some stringent measures to be taken against the offenders.

Lack of consensus, universal laws applicable across the globe! Is the need of the hour.

Protection of resources is absolutely vital, crucial and essential for the humanity to gracefully enjoy our stay on earth for a long long time, without causing much damage to its resources, perhaps... I am dreaming!

Without significant joint effort... Its impossible to protect and conserve!

Else, the constant degradation is inevitable in the near future. But I really dont want humanity to repent! I want Green and Clean 🌎 Earth, Oceans and its resources!!!

Here are couple of captivating captures that wonderfully describe the sheer beauty of Seas and Oceans.

Enjoy watching!!!

The humanity, the beach, the seaside and the harmonious equation!

Those astonishing moments!_
The surfing time...!
The play time...!!!_
Truly captivating!
The Serene Beauty!

Hope you like the captures that beautifully describe the magnificent beauty of our seaside and oceans!!!

Thank you,


Everyone should start with themselves. For example, I carry empty bottles, bags and other rubbish in my rucksack until I reach a bin.