Tractor Barn


Who knows how to drive a tractor? Got to play around with a wide angle lens in an old tobacco barn a couple week ago and stumbled upon this old Farmall tractor. Don't see one of them everyday.


International Harvester produced the Farmall tractors, at least until IH met its demise in the 80s. Growing up I learned to drive a tractor before I ever learned how to drive a car, albeit on a Ford tractor instead of a Farmall. Good practice for driving a stick shift.


I can still remember the distinctive smell of tractor exhaust although I can't say that I miss it. Can't imagine farming before tractors came along, even with a tractor it wasn't exactly what I'd call fun.


Now if only I can get it started...


Cool tractor, never driven one myself but my father said that is how he and his brothers learned how to drive.

It does make the process a lot easier. Probably safer for all involved too. What sort of farming did they do?