How do you feel in a foggy forest?

If you have never been in a forest while it was completely foggy, then you should put this on your bucket list. To witness fog in a forest and being there while everything gets blurry is a unique experience.


I am an old soul at heart so I really love moody scenes and I enjoy being alone in nature when the weather goes bad. I feel better when most people feel depressed and want to go home. I love the forest because there aren’t so many people there and it is quiet. I love rain, thunders , strong wind and the woods. I have found a healing anchor in my forest and somehow I miss it so much if I am unable to go in the week-ends there and get away from the noisy city where everybody else thinks that their problem is the biggest and the worst. Don’t we ever realize that we are in fact such a small part of this vast Universe?

I was super lucky to catch a very foggy day early in the morning. It blew my mind. I always hope for fog but I know that it needs special conditions in order to be super thick and to last.
So how does it feel to be there, alone in the woods and have this thick fog around you?


Magical. Peaceful. Calm. It feels like I am in a fairytale. One could say that you can get scared if you do not see far away or get distorted horror scenarios with creepy foggy forests playing in their mind. None of these feelings were experienced by me. I took my Fuji camera and tried to capture it fast so I could then walk through the forest and enjoy it. I believe that often people miss the beauty of a moment because they rush to capture it when instead they should stop, enjoy and take a mental picture. One of the best memories I have in my life were never captured on camera, they are in my mind, forever in my soul.


I think of how small all of my problems seem to be when I am in awe admiring nature and its beauty. It’s not just about the fog, it’s about the fact that I am aware that those trees will outlive me, that those rocks are older than I can ever imagine and that somehow this Planet is a levitating miracle that people should appreciate more. When I saw fog all around me I realized how beautiful is this Planet and how lucky I am to be able to breathe fresh air, to be able to walk and admire the woods and feel calm and serene. There will be always something humbling when you are alone in nature, especially if you witness strong storm, a heavy rain, a thick fog or giant piles of snow carried away by a harsh wind.

I hope that I will catch more mornings like these, it was totally worth it to be up very early and have these beautiful scenes feed my eyes and soul.
Have a great day and toodle loo!


@memeisfun & @felipejoys: Is this the type of images and context you refer to regarding quality of posts?

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Yeah this post is really awesome and if they want to make a photographay post like this in pob it would be really awesome. But yeah I guess they won't want to make a post like they prefer pasting some pictures then writing some "abcdefghi"

Btw I feel guilty for making a photography proposal at POB, because it didn't work out the way I set out.

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Thanks, @felipejoys, and @memeisfun for your confirmation. I feel like I'm seeing eye to eye with you guys now.

memeisfun, if I may be so bold yet respectful, I think you're looking at things the wrong way. You say your proposal didn't work out the way you expected. I agree, but not in such a terminal sense. Perhaps you should say that it didn't work out...this time. For me, there is little difference between success and failure.

Success is what happens when you take your lessons learned and implement those teachings into the next endeavor. You repeat that process until you reach your goal. Failure occurs when you stop trying to succeed.

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memeisfun, if I may be so bold yet respectful, I think you're looking at things the wrong way. You say your proposal didn't work out the way you expected. I agree, but not in such a terminal sense. Perhaps you should say that it didn't work out...this time. For me, there is little difference between success and failure.

Ah yeah maybe you're right, maybe my proposal doesn't go the way I want it to. But not in the terminal sense, maybe you mean even though my proposal is not what I expected. But in providing curation it will be almost what I expected.

Maybe yeah I should try to make an effort to do that, and maybe I should also make a post about changing the rules on POB-photography. And yeah I'd more love to do that too if @onealfa also supports this.

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I'll definitely support it. I can't speak for onealfa, but what your looking for is something he already does. He wrote an image article about his time with his daughters. Damn fine work. I mean, you KNEW he wrote it to share his time with the community.

Thanks for your support, I will definitely make a post about it soon when I have enough time and my brain relaxes again. Because there's too much work to do right now.

I can't speak for onealfa, but what your looking for is something he already does. He wrote an image article about his time with his daughters. Damn fine work. I mean, you KNEW he wrote it to share his time with the community.

Yeah I know he's a busy guy but he still wants to take his time to post and comment I really salute him. And he has shared some photography posts that I can use as examples.

Btw I mean to mention he here just wants to get support from him too, whatever it is we will see later after I publish the new rules on POb photography.

I like how you see success and failure. I also share this view and I strongly believe that every failure is actually a new opportunity to learn something new. People can look back and say: oh, I am 70 now, look at all the lost time and failures. But one can say: I am 70 now, I am taking my 69 years of experiences and put them to work so my 71 would be even greater.
Indeed if you stop you never succeed.

A photo post could be quite interesting and intelectually juicy if someone connect the right story with the images

Apologies for the off-topic conversation @creativemary. Based on conversations I've been having in POB, I found your article and others like yours to be a standard of what "good" looks like. The combination of your imagery and descriptions of it is exactly what someone like myself looks for in understanding someone's motivation and thoughts.

I took it upon myself to tag some other users in our community to see if your approach is what they were talking about. Thanks again for your awesome contributions to Hive.

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No worries, I actually thank you for stopping by and appreciating my work. I really like photography posts and I believe that if they are linked with a genuinely authentic story, they can be quite a feast for the mind. I love the POB community, it is one of my favourites. There is no sexier organ than the brain hahaha. Have a lovely weekend!

For such a foggy day you got some amazingly clear shots with your Fuji camera! Great job. You definitely captured the mood quite well and it almost feels like we are there with you. Europe has some of the coolest forests. Thanks for sharing here with us. =)

Hey! I really did my best, I was at the right time in the right place. It felt so wonderful that I didn't want to leave the forest. The thick fog did not last for long, it was quite a miracle that I captured it. Thank you for appreciation and for stopping by! Hugs!

Who would want to leave such a peaceful and beautiful place? Glad you were able to capture and share the magic of the place and moment. Great job.. keep it up! Love and Hugs to you. =)

If I could, I would build myself a little cabin cabin in this forest and just sit there. It would be so awesome as I would wake up to this.

That would be super cool. I used to think about doing the same thing in the woods by a lake i used to live by. Great minds think alike! Take Care =)

I had a series of pics of a forest nearby when I lived in Finland, the pics were on a clear day but when I used to be out there walking closer to winter I really liked the fog. You could hear others walking down the trail before you could see them, was pretty chill along with the cold air. Kinda miss the cold but I think it's one of those things I'd get tired of quick and regret being there after a while again. :P

Winter and fog!! Gosh that sounds like magic! You know, there is nothing sweeter than being in the cold dressed up really well and capture some amazing nature landscapes with the mental camera. Did you like Finland? Can you clearly see the northern lights from there? If I would live in the nordic countries I would stare at it all night. I would make my bedroom set-up in such a way that I could have a window in the ceiling and I could look at the sky and at the stars.
I was in a very short visit in Tromso and I witnessed the northern lights. At that time I thought that being a tour guide was the best job ever as the sky is never the same. But if you are not properly dressed that job is no longer fun anymore lol. I will forever remember the Geminid meteor shower that I saw. Epic...

During the many years I spent there there were only a couple occasions where the northern lights were visible, and not that well either, most likely cause I lived in the south of Finland.

Out in the woods or sea away from the towns and cities you did get a really good look at the stars, though.

I'll take a starry sky anytime and declare myself very happy. The nordic people are so lucky for being able to see stars so clearly, due to light pollution you can hardly see any star in the city. In the mountains at high altitudes there is also this chance, I remember catching one night with super bright stars. So so nice

It looks amazing, great pictures creative Mary!

Thank you very much!

Hello @creativemary that is great it seems from another world and at the same time that loneliness is scary.
Great story I loved.

Hey! Thank you for appreciation! Loneliness does not scare me, I actually enjoy spending time alone in the woods, no one could harm you there.

You captured the essence of serenity. I love the foggy mornings in the forest nearby. It is attached to an old Civil War Battlefield and despite the fact that much blood was shed there, long ago and far away in history, it has always been a place of peace for me.

I can picture the fog, wrapping you up in it for moments, only to let you go on your way. Fog is such a quick moment here and I also find that I do best enjoying these moments rather than trying to capture each one of them.
A lovely piece, my friend. Glad you made it to the forest. I hope you find your way to more of these days. Happy Sunday!

Thank you Denise! I often think about what happened on the very piece of land I lay my steps. And it is humbling and overwhelming almost to imagine that decades or hundreds of years ago the same land was a battlefield. I believe that it is worth contemplating this thought for a moment as it could help us become aware of how easy is our existence now. Happy Sunday to you too!

I should not add anything to this, all was said before me. very moody. I will add just my 5 cents :P

Hey, thank you, I appreciate the comment it was funny lol, I wish you a great week-end!

They look nice.

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