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RE: How do you feel in a foggy forest?

Yeah this post is really awesome and if they want to make a photographay post like this in pob it would be really awesome. But yeah I guess they won't want to make a post like they prefer pasting some pictures then writing some "abcdefghi"

Btw I feel guilty for making a photography proposal at POB, because it didn't work out the way I set out.

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Thanks, @felipejoys, and @memeisfun for your confirmation. I feel like I'm seeing eye to eye with you guys now.

memeisfun, if I may be so bold yet respectful, I think you're looking at things the wrong way. You say your proposal didn't work out the way you expected. I agree, but not in such a terminal sense. Perhaps you should say that it didn't work out...this time. For me, there is little difference between success and failure.

Success is what happens when you take your lessons learned and implement those teachings into the next endeavor. You repeat that process until you reach your goal. Failure occurs when you stop trying to succeed.

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memeisfun, if I may be so bold yet respectful, I think you're looking at things the wrong way. You say your proposal didn't work out the way you expected. I agree, but not in such a terminal sense. Perhaps you should say that it didn't work out...this time. For me, there is little difference between success and failure.

Ah yeah maybe you're right, maybe my proposal doesn't go the way I want it to. But not in the terminal sense, maybe you mean even though my proposal is not what I expected. But in providing curation it will be almost what I expected.

Maybe yeah I should try to make an effort to do that, and maybe I should also make a post about changing the rules on POB-photography. And yeah I'd more love to do that too if @onealfa also supports this.

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I'll definitely support it. I can't speak for onealfa, but what your looking for is something he already does. He wrote an image article about his time with his daughters. Damn fine work. I mean, you KNEW he wrote it to share his time with the community.

Thanks for your support, I will definitely make a post about it soon when I have enough time and my brain relaxes again. Because there's too much work to do right now.

I can't speak for onealfa, but what your looking for is something he already does. He wrote an image article about his time with his daughters. Damn fine work. I mean, you KNEW he wrote it to share his time with the community.

Yeah I know he's a busy guy but he still wants to take his time to post and comment I really salute him. And he has shared some photography posts that I can use as examples.

Btw I mean to mention he here just wants to get support from him too, whatever it is we will see later after I publish the new rules on POb photography.

I like how you see success and failure. I also share this view and I strongly believe that every failure is actually a new opportunity to learn something new. People can look back and say: oh, I am 70 now, look at all the lost time and failures. But one can say: I am 70 now, I am taking my 69 years of experiences and put them to work so my 71 would be even greater.
Indeed if you stop you never succeed.

A photo post could be quite interesting and intelectually juicy if someone connect the right story with the images