More pet photos

in Photography Lovers4 years ago


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Best way to unwind after work


After I get home from work, I like to spend time with my pets and take Keiichi and Rusty outside for some play time. My kids are getting older and are too cool to hang out with their parents, but our pets are always happy to be around us.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Keiichi always runs to the backdoor and waits to go outside whenever I bring the dogs up from their kennels. He knows that they are about to go outside and he usually gets to go too.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Rusty is a bit more cautious when it comes to going outside and when he is out there, he usually stays pretty close to me or Keiichi. Titus does a good job keeping an eye on the cats too and makes sure to corral them back towards the house if he feels they are getting too far away. They usually spend time just trying to catch some of the flying bugs when they are exploring anyways.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

I was pulling some little weeds that were growing and throwing them up in the air and Titus was trying to catch them in his mouth. He isn't as good at catching weeds like he is food. Maybe because he knows he isn't supposed to eat these.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Look at that face. He is just a big doofus.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

When both of these dorks get together, you know you are in for a good time. I have the coolest pets on Hive.

Sort: will leave home eventually but you know your pets will be around for you all the time you do have some great company there 😸

Thanks. They are a ton of fun.

I am sure they are fun to be with 😸

Kids will always move but pets will stay loyal and give you all that unconditional love and great looking pets you have 😊

Thank you

My pleasure 😸

They're like hugeee stress balls :D
They're adorable!

Sometimes my husky adds to the stress with his stubbornness, but i wouldnt trade him for anything.

ha ha ha. Pair of idiots together, as you say. I love your pets and the relationship you have with them. I've always wanted a Husky, but black and white. I know one day I can have it.

Great pictures.

Huskies are a ton of fun, but can also be a handful.

It doesn't matter, I'm willing to put up with them. Ha, ha, ha.